Friday, March 10, 2006

James shows Abby how to eat yogurt

We sneaked in a quick visit to Alexandria for Abby's naming ceremony in late January. The Abby Hofheimer Blog: Yogurt

Sunning on a rock

James learns from the animals at the zoo and warms himself on a rock.

Uh-Oh Zoo!

James went to the zoo 2 days in a row - lucky kid. Everytime Deanna would hold his hand so he wouldn't wander too far, he would get mad. He started saying "uh-oh" and sitting on the ground. Then he said "night night, seeping" and laid down on the concrete and told Deanna to go "night night," too!

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Fort Boy

Enjoying the scenery at Mt. Trashmore.

The rays at the Virginia Aquarium were a big hit!