Thursday, June 28, 2007

stupid internet

So, every afternoon our lovely internet connection goes down for a few hours. BC blames the hot weather. I blame Cox. But whatever, it's inevitably during James's nap and so the perfect time to be online and not be asked if we can play some 'puter games as James calls it. Computer games with James were a fun distraction in the winter when it was too cold or messy to play outside, but he gets kind of obsessed and won't stop. So we stopped with him, at least during waking hours.

My point is that finally I can post some more Lucy pictures I see four green lights on the modem so I'm good to go. But I'm still calling Cox to complain.

On an unrelated note, we received a call from a survey company last night. I love surveys, and always answer them. I particularly like phone surveys, because they tend to be about general consumer habits, many of which I don't share and so I feel like I'm skewing the data. Hee hee. Last night's survey was about TV view habits (of which I have NONE). But the first question they asked was "do you or anyone in your household work for a local TV, radio, advertising or media company?" To which I had to answer, yes. And that was the end of the survey for me. And I was so so looking forward to telling them that I watch 0 hours of TV a week and get my news from the newspaper, NPR and the internet. Oh well. Next time.

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