Thursday, June 28, 2007

stupid internet

So, every afternoon our lovely internet connection goes down for a few hours. BC blames the hot weather. I blame Cox. But whatever, it's inevitably during James's nap and so the perfect time to be online and not be asked if we can play some 'puter games as James calls it. Computer games with James were a fun distraction in the winter when it was too cold or messy to play outside, but he gets kind of obsessed and won't stop. So we stopped with him, at least during waking hours.

My point is that finally I can post some more Lucy pictures I see four green lights on the modem so I'm good to go. But I'm still calling Cox to complain.

On an unrelated note, we received a call from a survey company last night. I love surveys, and always answer them. I particularly like phone surveys, because they tend to be about general consumer habits, many of which I don't share and so I feel like I'm skewing the data. Hee hee. Last night's survey was about TV view habits (of which I have NONE). But the first question they asked was "do you or anyone in your household work for a local TV, radio, advertising or media company?" To which I had to answer, yes. And that was the end of the survey for me. And I was so so looking forward to telling them that I watch 0 hours of TV a week and get my news from the newspaper, NPR and the internet. Oh well. Next time.

Not to be crass...

For those that asked for ideas:

Sunday, June 24, 2007

About that water birth...

Let me just say first how excited I am that Lucy shares a birthday with both her great-aunt Karen and her future pal Lizzie, just one year older. And the Summer Solstice. Although we were hoping for Flag Day, I think the day when the sun reaches its zenith is more appropriate. Soar high, Lucy!

So about the hot tub delivery, let me just say that I never planned nor anticipated nor hoped for a water birth. All I hoped for was as natural and unmedicated of a labor as was safe and possible. BC and I watched a video about a home birth with a hot tub when we prepared for James's arrival as part of our Bradley classes, but that was "too much" for me. I like the hospital. I like the ibuprofen I'm taking. I like the nurses and the immunizations for Lucy and the fetal monitoring. I LOVE the midwives and our doula Nancy. I am lucky that having a labor and delivery in water was an option for me. And I hope that Bon Secours doesn't close the Midwifery Center - that would be a travesty for Hampton Roads and for so many families.

Saturday, June 23, 2007


Lazy Lucy finally launched on Thursday, June 21 at 3:22 pm. She was 8 lbs, 0 oz and 21 1/4 inches long. Right into a hot tub at the [fabulous] Midwifery Center in Norfolk. She's beautiful and perfect and we're going to spend the next few weeks just staring at her. James brought her a truck.
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Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Lazy Lucy, Come Out and Play!

Ok, so I'm now a full week post-date. Yes, folks, 41 weeks and counting. But I got the thumbs-up from my the ultrasound today and my visit with one of the midwives, so we're on for another week before they talk about inducing.
The good news, little miss Lucy is indeed still a girl (I had my paranoid doubts - I guess I can wash all those cute baby girl clothes with tags still on them), and is estimated to be between 8.5 and 9 lbs. I saw her toes and fingers, 4 chambers of the heart, 2 kidneys, and even some hair on the head. Pretty cool.
If only she would come out and play... she apparently is rather comfortable in my large and lopsided belly. I, on the other hand, am not so comfortable. I'm definitely waddling (or lumbering) and moving slower, especially up and down the stairs. We're ready for her. James is asking when she's coming, and when we're going to the hospital :) I wish I knew!

Friday, June 08, 2007

The end of an era

Next week James starts preschool at Ghent Montessori and Deanna gets a few months off.

Lucy is due on Wednesday. Kate's about to take a long break from work.

It's an exciting time.

Yesterday we went out for pizza and took a walk around Ghent. He's a pic of Kate (looking ready to have a baby) and James (in a tree).

Thursday, June 07, 2007

June update

AHHH June is here - full of sunshine, berry picking, and new AC for our house. (Thanks to Homer & Jon for loaning us the window units temporarily!)

Baby Lucy is due to arrive in just under a week. As of this morning, I am 2cm dilated, 50% effaced, and the baby is at -0- station. I'm ready, just waiting on the baby to want to come out. The midwife graciously offered to strip my membranes this morning, but I said "no thanks, I want to go to Harborfest this weekend." I have priorities... this is (probably) the last weekend with just the 3 Wilsons, and I'd like to play. There are tall ships to see, pirates, and a VIP tent to check out. And lots of walking and water for me. And I really want to take James to Montessori for his first day on Monday.

James has stars in/on his eyes

"This is my happy face"

Memorial Day at the Beach

Family and perfect weather - what a great weekend!

Abby and James playing ring-around-the rosy.

April-May update

OK - admittedly BC and I have been very behind in keeping this up to date. But we have legitimate excuses! We had a lovely family celebration of James's 3rd birthday. Unfortunately his big partay was cancelled for some sad family news, but he didn't really notice. Still had yummy cake and presents to open. And then he got to see his "cousins by the dozens" when we gathered in MA.

After 8 months of "slumming it" at my parents' home (it was like a really long vacation), BELFOR finally finished reparing our house from the damage caused by Tropical Depression Ernesto, circa Labor Day 2006. And so we moved back in at the end of April - hooray!!!

May brought more house-tweaks, getting James settled into his new big boy room and bed, and... drum roll please... potty training. Halleluiah.